Lender Profiles
- How do I change an existing Zillow account to a Lender account?
- What type of lender profiles are allowed on Zillow?
- How do I request reviews from my new lender profile?
- What do I do if I forgot my password?
- How do I update my lender email address?
- How do I update my profile information?
- What if I forgot my email address or no longer have access to the email address on my lender profile?
- What are my responsibilities in regards to my lender profile on Zillow?
- It looks like someone else is using my individual NMLS # on Zillow. How do I dispute it/claim it?
- What if my name or address listed in the drop down menu are not accurate?
- How do I create a new lender profile?
- What happens if I don't fully complete and submit my lender profile?