All For Sale By Owner listings will go through our listing verification process. Each listing draft submitted will be reviewed and verified by our team before it is posted on Zillow. You will receive a phone call from our automated system within the next few days to the number you provide if we need to verify additional information. It may take up to 72 hours for your listing submission to go through our verification process and show as active on Zillow.
- I missed the verification call. What do I do? P lease submit a request with the full property address, listing price, and phone number, and our Customer Support team will assist you further.
I don't see my listing. How long does it take to post?
It may take up to 72 hours for your listing to go through our verification process. If you already submitted your listing draft and the property page is showing an "Off Market" status, then your draft is still in the process of being verified.
I can't find my listing in search results? You may have noticed a new listing toggle on the search results page. Listings are now separated into two categories within the search results page: Agent Listings and Other Listings. If your home is listed For Sale by Owner, it will appear in the Other Listings tab. Please note that we are unable to combine listings from each tab, nor can we move a For Sale by Owner listing to the Agent Listings tab.
Can I expedite the verification process?
We are working to improve our verification process to get listings posted as quickly as possible. Currently, there isn't a way to expedite your listing through our verification process.
I answered a question wrong and could not verify my listing. How do I get my listing posted?
If you received an automated call and were not able to successfully verify your listing the listing will go through our moderation process and be posted once moderation is complete.
Once I submit my listing, can I change the price or other listing information before my listing is posted?
Listing drafts cannot be edited before they are posted. Once your listing is posted, please visit this link for instructions to edit your listing.
I don’t want my listing posted anymore. How do I cancel it?
If your listing is posted, please visit this link for instructions to cancel your listing.
Why won’t edits to my listing save?
We review submitted edits before they appear live on your listing to increase the quality of listings on Zillow. While this may cause a slight delay, edits are carefully reviewed by our team as quickly as possible. You will receive an email when your edits are published to your listing. -
What if I am experiencing other issues with getting my listing posted?
If you are experiencing other issues with your For Sale by Owner listing, please submit a request with the full property address, listing price, and your phone number. Our Customer Care team will investigate further.
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