In order to make changes to your For Sale By Owner listing, the listing must be posted directly through and you must be signed in to Zillow using the email address associated with your listing.
If you are signed into a different account or the listing was posted through another website, you will receive the following message when attempting to edit:
Using the correct Zillow profile?
If you encounter an error message when attempting edit your For Sale by Owner listing, please check that you are signed into the Zillow profile you used when creating your listing. If you are signed in using a different email address, you will not be able to edit the listing.
Changes don’t immediately appear on your listing?
We review submitted edits before they appear live on your listing to increase the quality of listings on Zillow. While this may cause a slight delay, edits are carefully reviewed by our team as quickly as possible. You will receive an email when your edits are published to your listing.
Listed using a For Sale By Owner third-party website?
If your For Sale by Owner listing was created using a third-party website, such as a flat-fee listing service, all edits must be made at the original source of your listing. These updates should automatically syndicate from the third-party site to Zillow within 24-48 hours.
If you are still experiencing issues editing your listing, please contact our Customer Care team through our contact form.
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