Your listings are automatically linked to your Zillow profile by email address and/or your MLS Agent ID.
For instructions on how to add your MLS Agent ID, please review this article: Agent Profile Update: MLS ID button to address missing listings or past sales
Please make sure the email address used to syndicate your listings to Zillow matches the email address in your Zillow profile as a primary email or additional email. You can check with your listing syndicator/MLS to verify which e-mail(s) are used to syndicate listings to Zillow.
If you have more than one email address or are a member of multiple MLS’, you can add additional emails to your profile through your Account Settings section.
To access account settings, log in to your Zillow profile, select edit from the right sidebar, and select Account settings from the drop-down
Once the email in the listing feed data matches an email in your Zillow account, your listings will sync automatically!
Note: Your primary e-mail address is also your log in, if you change this please use the updated e-mail to log into your account.