The ability to send listing reports has been temporarily removed. Latest activity on your listings however, can still be accessed by navigating to the Owner View of the property page. Your sellers can also view this information if they have claimed ownership of their home on Zillow.
Below are instructions that you and your seller can use to view this information:
Listing Agent Instructions:
- Sign In to your Zillow Profile:
- Hover over Agent Hub (top right corner) and click on Listings
- From here you should see all your claimed listings - click on the property address (link) for the desired listing
- Select “More” in the top right hand corner of the listing, then “View Owner Dashboard”
- 5. Now you should see "Your Home" at the top of your page with the "Latest Activity" section to view metrics that span up to the last 30 days. You also have the option to view additional listing insights on the same page.
Seller (Home Owner) Instructions:
- Sign In to your Zillow Profile:
- Search the full address of your property on Zillow
- Verify your ownership of the propertyif you have not already done so.
- The "Latest Activity" will now display allowing you to view metrics that span up to the last 30 days.You also have the option to view additional listing insights on the same page.