To update the photos on your For Sale By Owner listing:
- Sign in to the Zillow profile you used to create the listing.
- Click on the profile icon in the upper right corner of the screen.
- Select Your Home from the menu options.
- Click on the tile for your home to be redirected to the owner view of your listing.
- Click the Edit Listing link from the list of options next to your listing.
- On the following page, scroll to the Photos section:
- Add photos: Click the blue add new photo button. Select the photo files from device and click open to upload the photo.
- Remove photos: Click on the appropriate photo. A window will open with a remove image link. Click the link and confirm you'd like to remove the photo.
- Rearrange photos: Hover over the photo you want to move. Click and hold down your left mouse button. Drag the photo to the desired location in the photo gallery and release the mouse button.
- Add captions: Click on the appropriate photo. A window will open with a field to input text. Enter the caption and click save.
6. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the blue Update For Sale By Owner button to save your changes.
If you experience any errors or issues when uploading your photos, please review our Photo Uploading Tips to ensure they meet the upload requirements.