When co-marketing, lenders are specifically paying for the advertising exposure of being displayed as a Premier Lender on our site.
Lenders are billed in arrears for this advertising via automatic monthly credit card payments.
This means for new co-marketing connections, your first charge will be prorated for the advertising received between when the invite was accepted and the next bill date. You are not billed upon activation or acceptance of the invite. Please do not manually pre-load any funds into the Lender Hub as these payments cannot be applied to co-marketing.
In the event your card declines on an active co-marketing partnership, you will have 14 days to pay your past-due balance before your connection is impacted. After 14 days from the decline, your agent will be responsible for paying your past-due balance and your co-marketing relationship will be cancelled. Your agent will receive notice 1 week prior.
*Although Zillow allows lenders to contribute up to 50% of the agents' budgets, some companies have their own restrictions on how much their lenders may contribute. If you are seeing that you are being capped at a lower percentage than you accepted, please reach out to your compliance department directly to learn more about any restrictions outside of Zillow policies.
Still have questions? comarketing@zillow.com.